Thursday, June 25, 2009

2 jobs and a new studio = a very very busy me

I always thought after I graduated I would have some time to finally relax... I was very wrong. I don't mind being busy though, I'm a lot more productive these days. Though I have two part time jobs now, I still find the time to be in my studio, paint, make books, and hang out. I guess I can't complain. 

Yesterday my studio mates and I bought wood and dry wall so we can finally get our studios built! We also obtained a couch and soon a mini fridge! Next on our list is to come up with a name so we can advertise shows.
Speaking of shows I'm currently working on a piece for a show in August called "That Bites" I'll post details soon.

In other news I've been making books everyday before work so I don't feel bad for not going to the studio. But I'm off for the weekend so you can bet I'll be crafting. Once I get my camera working I'll post some pictures. that is if my internet doesn't cut out again.
... Mercury must be in retrograde.

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