Sunday, May 25, 2008

Jr. Painting Exhibition 2008

For a while I was thinking, why don't Jr. Painting majors at UArts ever get to show there work? Every other major in our school has Sophomore, Jr., and Senior shows organized and advertised by the school except the painting department. Why is it that we pay the same amount of money as everyone else but our department gets neglected? Founding for shows and visiting artists are low and/or non-existent. When I asked the department about why we don't get equal amount of showing opportunity as other majors I was told "It's not my job to get you shows." and "If you want to have a show organize it yourself." So thats just what I did. I feel as painters it is important to show our work because our careers depend on it. After speaking with the students I agreed to organize a Jr. Painting Show for UArts painting majors. Most off my studio mates were really excited to show there work and I was really excited to organize it.

I'll post some pictures soon.

Solo Art Exhibition 2007

Here are some photos from my solo art show at Chaucer's last year.